Lost in Big Ideas| Personal
10:54It may be a combination of naiveté and procrastination but often times, I find myself engulfed in these large, over the top ideas. I attempt to implement them but get so anxious over the process, that they just end of falling to the waste side.
I've noticed that I can come up with these great goals and ideas, and I can plan them out pretty well. But it's in the middle of the process, where, often times, I have a slight step back and then all of a sudden it's back to square one.
It's unfortunate because often times those ideas are actually pretty good and it's simply the process that's far too daunting.
Over the course of the last few months, I've been more aware of this "fault" of mine and so I'm trying to be more mindful of catching myself whenever I get carried away with the anxiety. Personally, the most effective and therapeutic way for me is to write things down.
Nutritionists and trainers talk about this all the time. If your grand idea is to loose weight and reacher a certain number on the scale, you need to celebrate the small victories throughout the process so that you can eventually succeed at reaching your goal.
I've also realized (finally) that the smaller achievements are just as rewarding as the larger ones. By that I mean the small achievements along the way to reaching your goal. Ideas are a wonderful thing to have, but in order for them to be successful they must be implemented into becoming so much more.
I've very much come to the realization, that taking the process one step at a time is the best way I can achieve the grand ideas that brew in my head. The process is just as important as the goal and it's through experience that I've learned that the steps to achieving a goal can be the most challenging but also the most educational.
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Blouse- Boohoo (similar) | Skirt- 1861 | Bag- Zara (similar) | Hat- Simon's | Sandals- Shelly's London (similar)