Instagram Round Up| Lifestyle


So before I have to start getting ready for a Friday night out, I thought I'd take some time and sit here to write a post. By the way, this may be a terrible idea and I won't be able to get myself out of the bed covers but... oh well. I love the feeling I get when I sit down and just write. 
This week (and month) has been one of the busiest and that's why I've been very quite on here. Every time I get a blog post idea, I write it down in my phone. The list is definitely getting longer. Unfortunately, my school work takes precedent and so the blog list is left to the following week. So on and so forth, that's how it's been for the past month. 
To be quite frank, I don't think it's going to get better in the coming weeks. BUT my finals end the last week of April, so you best believe that come May 1st, I'll be back with my weekly rambles.
I can note that I do try my very best to update my Instagram daily, so if you need a little coffee/fashion/makeup inspiration you can head over and follow me there :) 
On that note, I thought I'd share a few pictures I've posted there in the past few weeks. 
I hope you've enjoyed these OOTD's, selfies, flat lays and #FWIS! As it is quite evident, my life currently consists of plenty of coffee, minimal makeup and comfy outfits. 
The weather in Montreal has yet to permit for some true spring inspiration but there's no doubt that once it stops snowing and it gets a little warmer, I'll be all over it :)

Have a lovely weekend!

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