Overthinking It All| Life
Am I wearing the right thing? Am I studying what I truly want to study? Am I happy?
I get these moments when all these questions become too overbearing and it then leads to panic and seclusion. The upsetting part of all of this, is that I'm aware that I'm not the only one going through these anxieties, but I get frustrated with the frequency of their reoccurrences.
I guess what I'm trying to tell myself is that the best way of overcoming these bouts of uncertainty is by focusing on everything else and moving on. Everyone can sit and wallow in their problems, but successful AND happy individuals are the ones who can see the brighter side of it all and see the joy at the end.
By writing this down and sending it off into the world, I see it as turning a leaf and letting go the uncertainties and focusing on all the good I have.
There's a much longer road ahead but at least this is maybe a few steps in the right direction.
Good luck with everything you have to accomplish this week and maybe remind yourself of all the positivity you have and can show the world.
Also, I promise for a much happier post come Wednesday:)