Sunday Thoughts| Style


Change in life is what allows us to grow as individuals. I believe in this statement full heartedly. I think that most people have a fear of change because it puts them outside of their comfort zone, their norm. I know that I can get quite anxious when it comes to new responsibilities in life. 
We learn from change, even if the difference is minimal. I truly believe that my biggest growing periods are when I deal with something that is new and unclear. Whether it may be through personal life experiences or simply a change in careers, this movement from one psychological state to another forces me to think about my own well-being and happiness.  
Changing student jobs, for me, was one of the hardest decisions I've made. Not because it drastically changed the course of my life path but because it allowed me to wrap my head around the realities of my circumstance. I had plans and visions that were being impeded by the fact that I was still in school and unable to devote full-time dedication to certain projects. Fast forward to a few weeks later, I am capable of understanding that the jobs I do through school are here to guide me along side whatever academic path I choose to take. There is a balancing act and unfortunately, for my impatient brain, it took me a while to fully understand that I don't need to have my life goals figured out by 22-years-old. 
I definitely never believed that my early 20's would be such a whirlwind of emotions. However, I must say, if you take a few hours/days every few months to help you readjust your path, it can really help shape your perspective. I may not have everything figured out, but at least I know more then I did yesterday.

I hope you've enjoyed reading this little post; just a thought that has been brewing in my head for the past few months. While I don't have all the answers to my 101 questions, I'm happy to know that I can still go through my daily life figuring them out one day at a time...Hopefully.

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