What's in my Bag- School Edition| Lifestyle
15:40I don't know about you, but I'm very excited to be going back to school. This year, I took some time off from university and decided to focus on work and travel. I may have worked a little more then traveled (to my liking) but I'm really proud of how I've grown as an individual. I've discovered more about myself and I'm, once again, back in a place where I feel happy and content with my life.
One thing I learnt whilst being away from school, was how much I loved and missed school. Maybe it was the job I had or the travel experience, but I realized I missed the habitual act of learning. I found myself missing being in a classroom and learning about things I was passionate about. I'm so happy I made the effort of experiencing new cities and actively seeking new knowledge during my time off. I don't know what I would have done if all I had done was work.
Anyways, moving on to the point of this post, I thought I would share the items I would be taking to class on an everyday basis. I'm sure this may very well change as the semester goes on, but this is my push to start the school year prepared and organized.
Kate Spade Agenda: Obviously I need an agenda with me. I can't remember anything if I don't write it down. I do wish this one were a little smaller but the layout is perfect for me and I fell in love with the cover when I saw it.
Journal: This may be just me, but I take class notes in a journal rather then a notebook. This probably sounds really vain, but I'm more likely to be motivated in taking notes if the journal is pretty rather then just jotting them down in a standard notebook.
Ted Baker Pencil Case: This one carries just the right amount of pencils and pens needed for the day. It also fits a USB stick and the "mandatory" lip product.
Harrod's Cosmetic Bag: This is a tiny black makeup bag that I carry around in every purse I use. It carries the unnecessary abundance of lip products along with some necessities including: blotting papers, hand cream and tampons.
Water Bottle: I'm not the best at drinking water throughout the day but I have been making a conscious effort to drink more these last few weeks, so I'm hoping the pattern continues when the semester begins.
A snack: I think the majority would agree that it's always better to bring something from home then having to go out and buy something to munch on.
Wallet: Standard item that I carry around anywhere I go. This one is from Michael Kors and I really like the size since it isn't as small as a coin purse but also doesn't take up a huge amount of space.
Opus Card&Keys&Phone: Obviously can't leave the house without these little guys.
So there you have it; My "What's in my Bag?" school edition. I hope you've enjoyed reading this post or at the very least been inspired to pick up a few things before the semester begins. Let me know what you're most excited for in terms of "back to school" activities and if you have any good recommendations for backpacks, make sure to leave it in a comment!:)