Getting Through the Tougher Weeks | Personal


I'm trying to be happier in my day-to-day life. What I mean by that is, essentially not letting the small things affect me. I still get these days when I just don't feel good about myself. It's never due to something specific but usually a collection of "issues".
Lately, I've been trying to make a conscious effort in letting things slide and simply look at the positive sides of life.

I've let the "bad" days affect me and I'm sick of feeling so down. It's gotten to the point where it's a vicious cycle of never getting out of a funk because you're upset for feeling upset. I'm tired of it.
Why not live a life you're proud of and look at all the beautiful things in my life? I have so much to be grateful for, I don't think these "bad" days should affect me a much as they do,
While I can chuck it up to schoolwork is hard. It's meant to be hard, preparing me for life and all (any one of you catch that Gilmore Girls reference?). Or sometimes work is daunting. Even keeping up with my blog posts and class notes can stress me out. But, like so many have said before me, there are millions of people going through the same (or similar) situation. Yes, sometimes we skip the gym, or eat that piece of chocolate when we know it's not the best option. But the inevitability is that, we all
get stressed out. The important part it to recognize it and act upon that recognition.

| Top- H&M | Skirt- Boohoo | Boots- French Connection (similar) | Backpack- Mat&Nat |
There's my little rant for the beginning of the week. Hopefully I've reached someone who isn't feeling their best and would like to start the week off well. The most effective way I try to stay mentally healthy, is by concentrating on the things I need to get done and not let my brain wander. I'll also tend to write things down as then I can see things more clearly. The most important this I try to remember is that, I'm not alone.
Finally, if you're ready this Monday evening to conquer the rest of the week: congratulations and keep doing you:) One day Il'll find a way to get through it all, just like you<3

Enjoy your week,

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